Onze huidige opdrachtgevers:
Best Kept Secret
Stichting CPNB
Into The Great Wide Open Festival
Uncloud Festival
Mercy John
Rosemary & Garlic
JW Roy
Eva van Pelt
Royal Family Records
Afgelopen jaren werkten we ook voor:
Green Deal Circular Festivals
Provincie Noord Brabant
Strijbos & Van Rijswijk
Freaky Dancing Festival
The Grand East
Lab Vlieland
Dock Zuid
Festival Oeverloos
Groene Engel
Judy Blank​
Writing a Marketing- and Publicity plan (in Dutch)
Link: Beroepskunstenaar.nl
About: Promotion setup – promo campagne
Level: amateur
YouTube for artists: 10 ways to correctly publish your content (in Dutch)
Link: Musicly
About: Promotion setup – YouTube
Level: beginner
Green Light Go – Music Publicity
Link: http://glgpub.com/blog/the-other-side
About: Nice blog about how to get press coverage, write a bio etc.
Level: amateur
How To Get Your Music Posted On Websites
Link: The Fader
About: Interesting article on how to approach serious blogs and websites
Level: skilled/professional
How to Fire Your Sync Agent & Make Some Serious Licensing Money
Link: Digital Music News
About: Must read before you sign your publishing contract. This article explains what syncs are, what your publishing agent can do for you and where a sync agent comes in play. Nice graphics. The article is a initiated by Songtradr so do not take their offer as the perfect solution, great insights anyway.
Level: skilled
Everything you need to know about publishing (in Dutch)
Link: Martijncrama.nl
About: Great Dutch article by artist manager Martijn Crama. About different deals, percentages, contract negotiations and expectations you can have of your publisher.
Level: amateur/skilled
Royalties & Publishing
Link: Muziek & Recht
About: About music publishing and it’s terminology. What are neighboring rights, a kickback, standard fees, title contracts etc. (in Dutch)
Level: amateur/skilled
DSP’s & streaming
5 Ways To Get On A Spotify Playlist
Link: Green Light Go
About: Basic training to prepare yourself to get more plays and introduce yourself to some playlists.
Level: rookie
3 Ways To Get More followers For Your Spotify Playlist
Link: Musicfibre.com
About: Basic Spotify knowledge how to promote your self curated playlist(s).
Level: rookie - amateur
Music business essentials
Podcast - De Machine (in Dutch)
Link: De Machine
About: Great Dutch podcast by Niels Aalberts and Atze de Vrieze (VPRO) on various music biz topics.
Level: novice
Book - All You Need to Know about the Music Business by Donald Passman
Link: Bol
About: An essential for all doing music business. However, mainly focussed on US sale-rates and figures.
Level: skilled
Eerste Hulp bij Plaatopnames (in Dutch)
Link: Eerste Hulp bij Plaatopnames
About: Dutch newsletter by Niels Aalberts on various music biz topics. Need to read when you’re an upcoming musician (in Dutch)
Level: novice - skilled
Muzikantendag Academy (in Dutch)
Link: Muzikantendag Academy
About: Global information about live shows, promotion, team around an artist, finance, rights etc (in Dutch)
Level: amateur
Book - How Music Works by David Byrne
Link: Bol
About: An essential for all into music... Explains how it works :)
Level: amateur - novice - skilled
Poppunt.be (in Dutch)
Link: Poppunt.be
About: Global information about live shows, promotion, team around an artist, finance, rights etc. (in Dutch)
Level: amateur